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Change Flow: An Agile Transition Process

Organizational changes can be handled in different ways. Not all of them are successful. Why not? The change flow is designed for the people and not with the people. Or the framing of the change is not flexible enough to inspect & adapt.

We will give you insights into our agile transition journey at 1&1 and how we use the Flight Levels Change Flow – to be the pilot of our change!



Julia  Tuppek
Julia Tuppek is currently engaged at 1&1 Telecommunication SE as an Expert for IT Strategy and Delivery supporting the agile transition as a core member of the leadership team. Her focus is on increasing the performance of the inseparable unit of people and business by implementing a holistic approach that combines information flow, agile mindset, and lean methods. Bringing in her broad experience in industry knowledge, consulting methodology, and leadership skills, she enables the team’s journey from theory to action.

Andreas Förch
Andreas Förch is department manager and core member of the agile transition team at 1&1 Telecommunication SE. His passion is to support teams and organizations creating an environment that is people oriented, promotes collaboration and enables Business Agility.

Markus Brandl
Markus Brandl is managing partner of the Flight Levels Academy and has a focus on training / coaching in the area of ​​invitation-based business agility and resilience. With more than 15 years of experience in the agile corporate environment and a broad spectrum as a Flight Levels Guide / Trainer, SAFe Program Consultant / Trainer, OKR Master and Inviting Leadership Coach / Trainer, Markus supports companies in the automotive, energy, e-commerce and telecommunications sectors. In doing so, discovering "your appropriate agility" and establishing lively, holistic change processes that solve real problems. True to the motto: pragmatism over dogmatism.

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