Jose JR is a Business and Cultural Change Specialist and Trainer at K21. He has been working for more than 19 years in Brazil and Europe in multicultural environments and teams, working directly in the training and digital transformation of national and international companies. Jose is a pioneer in the concept of Flight Levels in Brazil, being a Flight Levels Guide by the Flight Levels Academy. Around the world, he is helping companies achieve business results through Business Agility and has trained over 3800 students worldwide. Together with Paula Viani, Jose JR translated the book "Rethinking Agile" by Klaus Leopold into Portuguese.
Carlos Dutra is a Scrum Master and Agile Coach at Rede Gazeta and has been working with management in the technology environment in companies across different segments (transport, pharmacy, technologies, and publishers) for more than 15 years. Also, he has worked on agile multidisciplinary team training for the last 6 years. Carlos holds a Master's degree in Operational Research and Computational Intelligence. He is a Product Owner, Advanced Scrum Master certified by Scrum Alliance, and Flight Levels Systems Architecture certified by Flight Level Academy.
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